Slow Cooker Turkey Breast and Gravy
If you will be having a smaller socially-distanced Thanksgiving with fewer mouths to feed, this recipe is a great option. If, however, your family fights over the turkey legs and loves crispy skin this is not the recipe for you. For white meat lovers, this is a good option. There is some upfront work to make the gravy before the turkey, but that makes it easier when you are pulling the meal together at the end. This makes a very moist and delicious turkey.
I have adapted the recipe slightly from a great Cook's Country recipe.

It is best to use a turkey breast that is 6-7 pounds. I could only get an 8 pound turkey while I was making this recipe and taking the pictures. It barely fits in the slow-cooker and is not ideal. I needed to turn it in the middle of cooking.
Timing this will depend on your slow-cooker. You will want to keep an eye on the temperature as you go, but try not to open the slow-cooker too often because heat will escape and slow the cooking down.
Taking the skin off the turkey is gross to me, but it is worth the effort to do it carefully. It will provide flavor for the gravy. To render the fat, I find it works best if you start with a lower heat in the beginning. After a few minutes, you can increase the heat to get the skin browned.
You can skip the vermouth, or use white wine instead. I tend to use vermouth because an open bottle lasts longer than wine.
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