Chocolate Frozen Yogurt
You do need an ice cream maker for this recipe. I have a Cuisinart which was only $42 when I bought it. It is more expensive now, but I would still buy one again.
This yogurt is more decadent than many frozen yogurts. But it is lighter than many homemade ice creams. The milk keeps the yogurt from being too tangy, and it almost passes for chocolate ice cream.
This recipe was adapted from a very old Cook's Illustrated recipe. I have adjusted the amounts of everything up to make measuring easier and to make more yogurt. Doing this pushes the limits of my 1.5-quart ice cream maker, but it works. I enjoy some soft fresh right after it has churned and I fill my 6 cup container full.
Making the yogurt is very easy but it takes a long time overall. There is a lot of chilling and waiting that has to happen during different steps.

A high quality dutched cocoa is best here. I keep a large bag of Cacao Berry on hand, but Droste is a good grocery store brand. This could be made lighter with lower-fat yogurt and milk, but I always make it with the full-fat versions because it is better that way. Drained yogurt is similar to greek yogurt, but some testing (by others) has shown that it sometimes makes frozen yogurt a bit chewy. I keep regular yogurt on hand for cooking already, so I prefer to use regular plain yogurt that is drained.
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