Bread Omelet

A savory french toast breakfast sandwich
20 minutes Total Time
5 minutes to prep
15 minutes to cook
1 sandwich
There was a viral video last year showing some Indian street food called a bread omelet. It is an idea that can be taken in many different creative directions depending on your tastes. Many people that make them will use 3 eggs and lots of butter, and it will make a very filling meal. I played with the idea to make it with two eggs and two smaller pieces of bread so the serving size was better for me. This is more of an idea than a recipe and use whatever proportions of egg, cheese, meat, spices you like. If you leave out the bacon this can be made in less than 10 minutes.
I add the milk to stretch the eggs a bit and make it easier for the bread to soak up the mixture. You could also just use 3 eggs. If you don't want to use bacon you should add a pat of butter to the pan before adding the eggs. Other options include sauteing some onion, peppers, and garlic before you add the eggs. I'm using just a small amount of cheese here to bind the sandwich together. You can obviously add more or even skip it altogether. Smaller pieces of bread are better otherwise you will need a larger pan and more eggs. I like using Pepperidge Farms sandwich bread here which is a modest size and pretty square.



  • Gather and prep your ingredients.
    Step 0
  • Cook bacon in a non-stick skillet over medium heat. I like to use a 10" skillet, but you could use 12". The eggs will just spread more and be thinner. The skillet needs to be big enough for your two slices of bread to fit in side by side.
    Step 1
  • Beat the eggs with milk, garlic powder, salt and pepper in a small bowl.
    Step 2
  • When bacon is done cooking, remove from pan.
    Step 3
  • Have the bread out and ready before you add the egg to the pan. Pour the egg mixture in to the pan. Immediately place both pieces of bread into the pan and let them soak up some of the egg.
    Step 4
  • After a few seconds, with your fingers pick up and flip the pieces of bread over to soak the other side.
    Step 5
  • Let the egg start to solidify and cook on the bottom. With a long spatula or two spatulas, carefully flip the entire thing over. Try to keep it one piece if you can, but it is ok if it breaks.
    Step 6
  • Fold up any extra cooked egg over the top of the bread.
    Step 7
  • Sprinkle the grated cheese over one piece of the bread. Break the bacon in half and place on top of the cheese.
    Step 8
  • Flip the piece of bread without the toppings over on the other piece. Cook until the egg/bread is browning on the bottom, a minute or so more.
    Step 9
  • Flip the entire sandwich over to brown the other side. Remove from pan when done. Serve.
    Step 10

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